Discovery mode
This mode is recommended if you are at home or if your device is a part of a local private network. When the discovery mode is enabled, all of your devices will instantly see each other. Any message sent with QiikChat will be seen by any device under the same router. You will need just to visit to see your messages.
To protect your privacy, don't use this mode if you are using a public network.
Private mode
When the private mode is enabled, each device needs to be paired to each other to establish a connection. You will need to know the QiikChat ID of the targeted device in order to open a private channel. You can see the ID of any device by visiting with the device and by clicking on the Device ID menu.
You can request a private channel only to devices within your own local network (home wifi network, professional LAN). Once the connection is established, you can remotely reach the private room from any network as long as you don't manually leave the channel.
You can add as many devices as you want to your channel. You can join any of your established private networks by requesting a private channel to any of its constituent devices.
Private mode - Remote
The Remote Private mode is automatically enabled when you are not in the range of the network formerly used to create the private channel (for example if you switch from your home wifi to a mobile broadband or if your IP address has changed).
A remote device can still reach any other device within the same initial private channel. However it can only accept private channel request from devices under the initial network. If you want to pair a new device, you are recommended to firstly leave your current existing channel
Whichever your chosen privacy mode. Please don't use QiikChat to send personal or sensitive data such as password and credit card information.